Slightly over half of those who responded thinks that different genders are NOT treated equally in Singapore 😲
Regardless, do you feel that there is anything being done about gender equality in Singapore?
Hmmm, seems like we’re sitting on the fence about whether there is something done to ensure gender equality too.
Even though these results hold such gloomy views on Singapore’s gender equality status, we’ve made progress when it comes to ensuring that there is more equality between both genders!
For instance, to address the disadvantages working women face, do you know that Singapore has since introduced shared paternity leave and work-life grants? Also, according to recent reports, there’s an increase in the female employment rate , and number of females taking on leadership roles!
Ultimately, gender equality is about treating all genders equally. It means that both men and women have equal access to rights and opportunities.
Gender equality is not a dream. To help Singapore in her quest to achieve it, we have to change our mindsets and attitudes first. It may be a challenging journey, but we can do it together!