Family Is Priority


Family has always been an important priority for many Singaporeans . Let’s look at Singaporeans’ relationship with their family in this month’s Quick Polls!

2022, how’s it going for you?

Now that 2021 has been done (and dusted), let’s check out What Singapore Thinks about it, and our hopes for this new year!

What’s your take on Life?

Time flies! We are already halfway through the first month of 2022. A new year brings with it the promise of new beginnings and a ‘re-gearing’ of what matters most to us. In this month’s Quick Polls, let’s find out how people feel about priorities in life!

Is the food you eat safe for consumption?

A food paradise – that’s what many Singaporeans think of our sunny island! But before we fill our bellies with delicious food, it’s important to first make sure that what we’re eating is safe and hygienic.

Is the Kampong Spirit Alive?

What makes a great neighbourhood? Apart from good amenities and facilities, perhaps the next best thing would be to live among a warm and caring community. In this month’s Quick Polls, let’s find out how people feel about the ties in their neighbourhoods!

Home is where our hearts are!

If given a choice, how many years would you prefer HDB leases to be? Read on to discover What Singapore Thinks about home ownership and HDBs!

How we can Continuously Learn and Upgrade our Skills

How we can Continuously Learn and Upgrade our Skills

immense truth as digitalisation, along with the rapid growth of our landscape, has enforced the need for lifelong learning.  Adapting and evolving is key for one to remain relevant and thrive in our ever-changing landscape. This has become especially prominent in the workforce, where businesses across industries are constantly on the lookout for new skills […]